Sanders Key Stroud, II
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Corpus Christi, Texas
February 02, 1948 to November 04, 1967
SANDERS K STROUD II is on the Wall at Panel 29E, Line 22
See the full profile or name rubbing for Sanders Stroud


31 May 2007


by a friend,
Sharon I. (Barker) Stubbs

12 Jun 2007

I grew up with Sandy there on Atlantic Street in Corpus Christi. I suppose as kids go, we were pretty unremarkable, though the experience seems glorious in retrospect. Those were the days when children still spent their endless summers in discrete little tribes entirely out-of-doors, from first light to dusk, never lacking for something to do, intimately familiarizing ourselves with the special terrain of our neighborhood. For instance, Sandy and I were among a tiny handful who knew that the alleyway behind our houses, overgrown with weeds, was properly known as Rattlesnake Gulch, because a neighbor's dog had been bitten there - or so we heard. This and a thousand similar tidbits comprised the arcana of our youth.

Sandy was a good kid, better, probably, than most. I cannot doubt he grew into a fine young man, and it aggrieves me now, even as it did forty years ago, that he was denied a full and flourishing life. It would have been a good one, no question, marked by his special qualities of courage, sincerity and abundant goodwill.

I must hold to the knowledge that no life, however tragically abbreviated, can fail to touch and influence the lives of others, and the faith that every sacrifice is attended with honor. I'll always remember and honor Sandy, my friend.

My thanks to my sister, Sharon, who made this dedication possible.

From a friend,
Randy Barker


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 04 Nov 1967 two elements from the 4th Infantry Division made contact with NVA troops in the vicinity of Hill 724, some 12 kilometers southwest of Dak To. The contacts set off a week of separate engagements culminating in a bitter fight on 11 Nov 1967 (Veterans' Day). The week's fighting resulted in 50 US soldiers and a far greater number of North Vietnamese killed in action.

The four men killed on 04 Nov 1967 were

  • B Co, 3rd Bn, 12th Infantry
    • SP4 William F. Schmees, Cincinnati, OH
    • PFC Sanders K. Stroud, Corpus Christi, TX

  • A Co, 3rd Bn, 8th Infantry

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