William Joseph Brown
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Poughkeepsie, New York
April 15, 1950 to November 17, 1969
WILLIAM J BROWN is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 86
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Brown


03 Aug 1998

My father went to school (and became best friends) with Billy Brown. In 1969 Bill went to Vietnam and three months later was Killed In Action.

My father said the first son he had he would name after Bill. That's where I come in - William Joseph Price. My father kept a few letters from Bill but not much concrete information. Bill was in infantry when he first got to Vietnam then transfered to the First of the Fourth Cavalry. It was in the Cav that he was killed.

Summary as follows:
"Killed by a single enemy round fired at close range while serving as point man for the ARP inserted to sweep an enemy bunker complex. Location was Binh Duong Province."

I have been registered with the In Touch program for a couple of years with no success. If you knew Bill Brown please email me.

I would like to find out more about the man I am named after.

Thank you,
Bill Price

02 Apr 2007

I live in Columbus, Georgia and grew up with Allen H. Caldwell. He was like my brother and I loved him. We were a tight community back in the 1960s. Allen played football, baseball, basketball and was a great guy. When he died a piece of my heart died with him. He is buried at Fort Benning, Georgia. His parents are both deceased. He has two brothers and one sister. Allen had a personality and everyone who met him liked him. Vietnam was a place that changed my life and the life of so many of his friends. He will never be forgotten.

From a friend,
Glenda E. Hall


A Note from The Virtual Wall

D Troop, 1/4th Cavalry, lost two men on 17 November 1969 - SGT Allen H. Caldwell of Columbus, Georgia, and PFC William J. Brown.

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